Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day with the kids

It is the most exciting part of being a Dad. A time that is precious and cherish when you can spend a day with your kids. It really does not matter where you go or what you do. Your kids will appreciate the fact you are there and taken them somewhere.
I had the pleasure of taking my kids to the aquarium in NJ. It my first time going to Adventure Aquarium. It's a a pretty large facility if you have not been there before. There are many interesting animals and weird fishes to look at. Some are quite amazing, especially in the way they blend themselves in with the environment. There is a shark touching (smaller one) section which is pretty cool. Although my kids freaks out even looking at them.
There is a stadium-like viewing looking at a giant fish tank, very impressive. The boys love it, they get a see a couple huge sting-rays, and many other large fish. Yes, there is a impressive shark tank which I didn't get to see. My little princess got all freak out and ran the other way, it was hilarious, maybe next time.
Overall a very nice place to take the kids for a day trip. Did I mentioned it's very scenic around the area? Bring your camera.

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